For example;I walked into the barn after turning all the donkeys out and noticed a piece of chain laying on the ground.
I thought to myself, "I could do something really crafty with that chain!"
So I stood there a while looking around, trying to decide what to do with the damn chain.
While looking around I noticed there were some halters that were not hung up properly. (Keep in mind we have 6 donkeys and 2 horses, yet we have 726 halters and 658 lead ropes. Go figure)
I spent the next 20 minutes hanging up halters and lead ropes, arranged by size and color, spaced evenly, ropes all hanging level.
I finished that up and started cleaning stalls. BUT. I noticed that the winter blankets were all jumbled up and looked like a hot mess. The next 45 minutes were spent hanging blankets (arranged by size and color), evenly spaced and all facing the same direction.
Back to cleaning stalls. I actually finished 2 stalls, went to dump the muck bucket, and noticed there were several rakes, shovels, and post hole diggers leaning against the side of the barn. A light bulb went of in my feeble little brain! I remembered seeing this brilliant piece of art on Pinterest:
So I spent the next hour and a half digging pallets out of the burn pile. Then I gathered up every rake, shovel, t-post, broom, hot shot, 2 x 4, and straight stick in a 2 mile radius and made a beautiful tool display right outside the barn door.
(*on a side note: while digging pallets out of the burn pile, I nearly ran my dad's tractor off in a big ol' hole. My life flashed before my eyes. Luckily my cat-like reflexes kicked in and disaster was averted. This time).
So finally, 3 1/2 hours after I arrived to perform a 45 minute task, I headed back home just in time to jump in the shower, hop back in the truck, haul ass across town, and slide sideways into the parking lot at Weight Watchers...only to learn that I lost a grand total of 2 ounces over the last 2 weeks.
But considering we spent 3 days at the San Antonio Livestock Show eating fair food, I'm pretty excited that I didn't gain 75 pounds.
Damn corndogs.
And funnel cake.
And beer.
So I'll count my blessings and be thankful that
1. I didn't run my dad's tractor off in the big ol' hole.
2. I not only didn't gain weight, but actually lost 2 ounces!
Take it easy y'all! Keep all 4 tractor wheels on the ground and find
something to repurpose or recycle today!