Sunday, February 26, 2012

I have a lot to say...

Let me preface this whole blogging thing by posting a few disclaimers:

1.  I type just like I talk.  Which ain't good.  I want so badly to be a grammar snob, but that would be completely ridiculous.  I end almost every sentence with a preposition.  So prepare yourself.

(Me) "Hey there!  Where y'all from?"
(Correct sentence structure) "Hey there!  Where y'all from, bitch?"
(Shout out to Designing Women)

See what I mean?  I'm 40 years old.  I give up on good grammar.  But I'll damn sure criticize somebody else's!  Because I like to be helpful.

2.  I love Jesus.  But I have a potty mouth like nobody's business.  So I apologize in advance for the fifty-eleven times I will offend folks with my language.  Okie dokie?

3.  I'm a redneck.  My children are little rednecks.  My parents are rednecks.  (My mom will never, ever, admit to this, but she is).  My brother is a redneck.  My husband is a work in progress. 

4.  I am a pillar of strengh and good judgement.  Except I'm not.  So.  There's that.
I'm a "stay at home mom".  And by "stay at home mom" what I really mean is:  I don't have a paying job.  Well, not really anyway.  I take a few pictures for folks every now and again.  But I have approval issues.  Which means I never really want to charge anyone for work that I do, I just want them to be happy and like me and tell me what a wonderful photographer I am and validate my existance.  Which can certainly be a problem when your trying to make a living as a photographer.  So what generally happens is someone (usually friends or family) calls me up and says "Hey D'Anna!  I need some family pictures taken!  How much do you charge?"  To which my response is usually "Oh don't be silly!  I'll do it for you for free!  After all, what are family/friends for?".  And I spend the next week or so painstakingly editing photos (whitening teeth, reducing double chins, smoothing out skin tone, etc...), and the whole time I'm cursing myself for not charging at least a little bit for the hours of work I put in to this enormous project.  But anyway.  I'm working on that.  Maybe by the time I'm too old and weak to hold up a camera I'll be able to put a price tag on my work.  But probably not.  I'll more than likely still be searching for that allusive approval...

So here are my objectives for this blog (as of this minute...but which may change by the time I get through typing - because I'm fickle - and change my mind every thirty seconds or so).

1.  I have a lot to say.  But I spend the biggest part of every day alone, or with my donkeys, dogs and goat and they are not very good listeners.  By blogging, I can spill it.  Say everything I need to say.  And pretend that tens of readers are riveted to my every word.
2.  I have lots of opinions.  And I like to share them.  And (as of this moment) no one can slap me through a computer screen.
3.  Provide useless information.  I like to turn junk into useful objects.  I love wooden pallets, empty buckets, milk jugs, bailing twine, feed sacks, etc...  I could totally build a mansion with pallets and zip ties.  I would like to provide a forum for other junk junkies out there to share their brilliant ideas.
4.  Brag about my kids.  Please don't tell them I said so, but I have two pretty brilliant, tallented, super-cute boys.  The oldest is a surly teenager who thinks his parents are morons.  He also plays a mean fiddle (which he mistakingly calls a "violin") and does pretty darn good in school.  He's a city boy.  He stays as far away as possible from anything remotely agricultural or country.  I'll fix him eventually.  The youngest boy is a redneck.  But he tries so hard to be ghetto.  He wants a gold tooth really, really bad.  Asks for one daily.  He listens to rap music.  He also shows donkeys.  So I think the two cancel each other out.  How hardcore gangsta can you be when you spend your weekends riding a jackass?
5.  Complain about my husband.  Josh is pretty perfect.  He's quirky.  And corny.  And sometimes a little high maintenence.  He can't pull a horse trailer or drive a stick shift.  He refuses to read directions.  Ever.  But otherwise, just an overall incredible human being.  And he's smart.  Crazy smart.  Which is good.  Because I can't add, subtract, or spell.

That's all for now, yo.  I gotta go play with my donkeys.  Make it a worth while day!

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